If You Were Absent:
It is your responsibility to get all the materials you missed while you were absent. Please do the following before you check with me (your lovely and caring teacher).

1. Yes, we did something while you were gone. Check what we did by looking for the appropriate post below. Make sure you pay attention to any due dates, quizzes or tests coming up. You will still be expected to take all quizzes and tests on their due dates (very few exceptions will be given).

2. Check the Daily Presentations and Classwork links (to the right) to get the daily question and any materials you need to make up work.

3. If you still have questions, then please ask me (your lovely and caring teacher) for clarification outside of class. That means before or after class or school, or during Access.

A reminder on late-work policy:
If you have an excused absence, you have two days for each day you were absent to make up work. After that, your work will be considered late. All late work is 75% off for the first week and then is automatically deducted 50%. Once we begin a new unit, no more late work from the previous unit will be accepted.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week of 8/18 - 8/22

Welcome back, Bears! This week we will get introduced to the first unit of Modern US History (Gilded Age/Progressive Era/Imperialism) as well as review class policies and expectations.

In-Class Activities
Tuesday: Review syllabus and honor code (available in course documents)
Thursday: Pre-Test, Review flipped classroom procedures, introduce Gilded Age and Industrialization
Friday: Unit 1 Timeline activity

Syllabus due Monday, 8/25
Unit 1 Timeline due at end of class Friday, 8/22
Gilded Age: Social Darwinism video due Thursday, 8/28 (You can access the video by clicking on the Video tabs to the right, or go to the YouTube Channel link on the right.)

Important Dates/Reminders
Back to School Night at 6 pm, 8/27